Providence County RI Swamps


 Additions and/or corrections to the database are encouraged! Simple Add/Edit Procedure.

Swamp - Poorly drained wetland, fresh or saltwater, wooded or grassy, possibly covered with open water (bog, cienega, everglades, fen, marais, marsh, pocosin, slough).
Displaying 1 to 17 of 17 records
Ash Swamp
Balm of Gilead Swamp
Brush Meadow Swamp
Cedar Swamp
Dark Swamp
Honeypot Swamp
Malavary Swamp
Mattetokomitt Swamp
Moran Swamp
Mowry Meadow
Nipsachuck Swamp
Pine Swamp
Pine Swamp
Pine Swamp
Pine Swamp
Schwindel Swamp
Town Line Swamp
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